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Course Listing

Boulders North (update)

34636 N Tom Darlington
Carefree, AZ 85377

Teebox Rating Slope
Black 73.3 140
Blue 72.6 139
Blue/White 71.1 134
White 70.1 131
Copper 68.3 123
Scores (switch to course handicaps)

Player Date Tee Handicap
Seibal, Scott 2021-12-24 Blue/White 5.0 77
Larsen, Troy 2020-11-21 Black 15.1 92
Tripoli, Matt 2020-07-15 Blue 13.3 89
Killian, Billy 2020-03-20 Middle 24.9 99
McCabe, Mike 2017-12-30 Middle 12.8 85
Larsen, Troy 2016-12-21 Back 14.3 90
Dunphy, Joe 2016-06-06 Middle 14.6 87
Carr, Steve 2012-12-03 Back 7.8 82
Greenfield, Mark 2010-08-07 Middle 15.4 88
Seibal, Scott 2007-09-01 Middle 10.3 82
Yeager, Richard 2005-07-11 Back 9.4 84
Nelson, Rob 2004-02-08 Back 18.5 95
Jensen, Michael 2002-07-16 Middle 7.7 79

AIM IT Services, LLC