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Course Listing

Duck Creek (update)

638 North 700 West
Hobart, IN 46342

Teebox Rating Slope
Blue 66.5 112
White 65.9 110
Scores (switch to course handicaps)

Player Date Tee Handicap
Seibal, Scott 2019-09-24 Blue 5.5 72
Seibal, Scott 2019-09-23 Blue 6.6 73
Seibal, Terry 2019-07-04 Blue 16.6 83
Seibal, Scott 2018-06-15 White 6.3 72
Seibal, Scott 2017-07-06 White 4.2 70
Seibal, Scott 2017-07-04 White 11.4 77
Seibal, Scott 2016-07-08 White 10.4 76
Seibal, Scott 2016-07-07 White 12.4 78
Seibal, Scott 2016-07-05 White 9.3 75
Seibal, Terry 2016-07-05 White 19.6 85
Seibal, Terry 2016-07-01 White 22.7 88
Seibal, Scott 2016-05-20 White 8.3 74
Seibal, Scott 2016-05-19 White 5.2 71
Seibal, Scott 2015-09-17 White 9.3 75
Seibal, Scott 2013-08-23 White 9.3 75
Seibal, Scott 2012-07-02 White 7.3 73
Seibal, Scott 2012-06-29 White 7.3 73
Seibal, Scott 2012-06-28 White 12.4 78
Seibal, Scott 2011-07-04 Blue 8.6 75
Seibal, Scott 2010-07-07 White 10.4 76
Seibal, Terry 2010-07-02 White 14.5 80
Seibal, Scott 2010-07-01 White 12.4 78
Seibal, Terry 2010-07-01 White 16.5 82
Seibal, Scott 2009-07-06 White 11.4 77
Seibal, Terry 2009-07-06 White 18.6 84
Seibal, Scott 2008-07-07 White 6.3 72
Seibal, Terry 2008-07-07 White 16.5 82
Seibal, Terry 2008-06-16 White 16.5 82
Seibal, Terry 2008-06-13 White 14.5 80
Seibal, Terry 2008-06-12 White 15.5 81
Seibal, Scott 2007-06-11 White 13.5 79
Seibal, Scott 2007-06-08 White 10.4 76
Seibal, Scott 2007-06-07 White 12.4 78
Seibal, Terry 2007-02-10 White 14.5 80
Seibal, Terry 2007-01-10 White 16.5 82
Seibal, Terry 2006-07-06 Middle 13.5 82
Seibal, Terry 1999-07-01 Back 16.5 85

AIM IT Services, LLC