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Course Listing

Warren Golf Course (update)

110 Warren Golf Course Clubhouse
Notre Dame, IN 46556
574 631-4653
Teebox Rating Slope
Championship 74.6 135
Back 73.4 132
Middle 71.5 128
Scores (switch to course handicaps)

Player Date Tee Handicap
Seibal, Scott 2015-09-16 Middle 6.6 79
Seibal, Scott 2012-07-05 Middle 4.0 76
Seibal, Terry 2012-07-05 Middle 15.4 89
Seibal, Scott 2010-07-06 Back 6.5 81
Seibal, Scott 2010-07-06 Back 7.4 82
Seibal, Terry 2010-07-06 Back 18.5 95
Seibal, Terry 2010-07-06 Back 18.5 95

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