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Course Listing

Brackenridge Park (update)

2315 Avenue B
San Antonio, TX 78215
Teebox Rating Slope
Blue 70.3 126
White 67.9 122
Scores (switch to course handicaps)

Player Date Tee Handicap
Dugas, Brad 2023-06-14 White 17.7 87
Kush, John 2022-10-04 Blue 8.7 80
Carr, Steve 2022-10-04 Blue 12.3 84
Dugas, Brad 2022-10-04 Blue 13.2 85
McCabe, Mike 2019-04-06 Blue 8.7 80
Crawford, John 2019-04-06 Blue 11.4 83
Slovensky, Mark 2019-04-06 Blue 17.7 90
Dugas, Brad 2018-10-24 White 6.6 75
Dugas, Brad 2016-11-30 White 14.9 84
Dugas, Brad 2014-08-06 Blue 6.9 78

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