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Course Listing

Coyote Springs Golf Club (update)

Las Vegas, NV
Teebox Rating Slope
Blue 72.8 144
White-Blue 71.7 142
White 70.6 139
Gold 66.5 121
Scores (switch to course handicaps)

Player Date Tee Handicap
McCabe, Mike 2024-06-30 White 15.8 90
Seibal, Scott 2022-09-21 White-Blue 11.4 86
Dugas, Brad 2022-09-21 White-Blue 13.8 89
Winand, Stan 2022-09-21 White-Blue 15.4 91
Hendrix, Brad 2022-09-21 White-Blue 15.4 91
Rafferty, Mike 2022-09-21 White-Blue 16.2 92
Ritchie, Bill 2022-09-21 Gold 25.7 94
Jain, Vijay 2022-09-21 White-Blue 18.5 95
Byars, Ray 2022-09-21 White-Blue 20.9 98
Slovensky, Mark 2022-09-21 White-Blue 20.9 98
Seibal, Terry 2022-09-21 White-Blue 21.7 99
Kush, John 2022-09-21 White-Blue 22.5 100
Ewing, Curt 2022-09-21 White-Blue 24.1 102
Shaw, Rick 2022-09-21 Gold 34.1 103
Slovensky, Doug 2022-09-21 Gold 36.0 105
McCabe, Mike 2022-06-19 White 7.6 80
McCabe, Mike 2021-05-24 blue 13.2 88
McCabe, Mike 2021-05-24 blue 14.8 90
McCabe, Mike 2017-08-06 blue 8.2 82
McCabe, Mike 2017-06-27 blue 7.4 81
McCabe, Mike 2017-06-06 blue 9.1 83
McCabe, Mike 2017-06-06 blue 15.7 91

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