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Course Listing

Arizona Traditions (update)

17225 North Citus Road
Surprise, AZ 85374

Teebox Rating Slope
Black 68.2 112
Copper 67.5 110
Combo 66.0 106
White 64.9 103
Scores (switch to course handicaps)

Player Date Tee Handicap
Hendrix, Brad 2024-04-20 Black 10.9 79
Hendrix, Ron 2024-04-20 White 26.4 89
Hendrix, Brad 2023-02-18 Back 11.1 80
Drebin, Kris 2023-02-18 Back 28.8 98
Seibal, Scott 2001-02-18 Back 7.2 76
Ewing, Curt 2001-02-18 Back 13.1 82

AIM IT Services, LLC