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Course Listing

Aberdeen (update)

Valpraiso, IN
(219) 462-5050

Teebox Rating Slope
Back 73.0 134
Middle 71.4 131
Front 69.5 127
Scores (switch to course handicaps)

Player Date Tee Handicap
Seibal, Terry 2022-09-18 Middle 14.3 88
Seibal, Scott 2009-07-01 Middle 10.0 83
Seibal, Terry 2006-07-01 Middle 17.8 92
Seibal, Scott 2002-08-31 Middle 5.7 78
Seibal, Terry 2002-08-31 Middle 17.8 92
Seibal, Terry 2001-06-29 Front 20.9 93

AIM IT Services, LLC