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Course Listing

Shalimar Golf Course (update)

2032 E. Golf Avenue
Tempe, AZ 85283

Teebox Rating Slope
Back 61.7 95
Front 64.7 93
Middle 60.0 92
Scores (switch to course handicaps)

Player Date Tee Handicap
Emery, Jeffrey R. 2003-04-30 Middle 22.1 78
Emery, Jeffrey R. 2003-04-26 Middle 31.9 86
Aylesworth, Joshua 2002-04-09 Back 31.3 88
Kerr, James 2002-04-06 Back 47.9 102
Emery, Jeffrey R. 2001-05-18 Middle 27.0 82
Burney, Muriel 2001-05-18 Front 74.5 126
Emery, Jeffrey R. 2001-04-18 Middle 35.6 89
Burney, Muriel 2001-04-18 Front 46.5 103

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