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Course Listing

Seville Golf & Country Club (update)

Higley Road & Chandler Heghts
Gilbert, AZ 85297

Teebox Rating Slope
Black 72.6 124
Black/Gold 71.6 121
Gold 70.7 118
Gold/Blue 69.8 116
Blue 68.7 114
Scores (switch to course handicaps)

Player Date Tee Handicap
Seibal, Terry 2024-09-02 Gold 9.9 81
Seibal, Terry 2023-05-03 Gold 10.8 82
Seibal, Scott 2023-02-20 Gold 8.0 79
Seibal, Scott 2023-02-16 Gold 8.0 79
Seibal, Scott 2023-02-09 Gold 7.0 78
Seibal, Scott 2023-02-06 Gold 10.8 82
Seibal, Scott 2023-02-01 Gold 9.9 81
Seibal, Scott 2023-01-29 Gold 11.8 83
Seibal, Terry 2023-01-29 Gold 24.2 96
Seibal, Scott 2023-01-26 Gold 11.8 83
Seibal, Scott 2023-01-23 Gold 7.0 78
Seibal, Scott 2023-01-20 Gold 8.9 80
Seibal, Scott 2023-01-17 Gold 11.8 83
Seibal, Scott 2023-01-10 Gold 12.7 84
Seibal, Scott 2023-01-05 Gold 11.8 83
Seibal, Scott 2023-01-03 Gold 10.8 82
Seibal, Scott 2022-12-29 Gold 6.5 77
Seibal, Scott 2022-12-04 Orange 9.4 81
Seibal, Terry 2022-12-04 Orange 18.8 91
Seibal, Scott 2022-08-04 Gold 6.5 77
Hendrix, Brad 2018-04-15 Gold 12.2 83
Slovensky, Mark 2017-04-25 Orange 12.2 84
Dunphy, Joe 2002-03-30 Middle 10.3 81
Dunphy, Joe 2002-03-30 Middle 13.1 84
Seibal, Scott 2002-03-03 Middle 2.7 73
Seibal, Terry 2002-03-03 Middle 21.6 93

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