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Course Listing

Pohlcat (update)

5665 East Pickard Road
Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858

Teebox Rating Slope
Pohlcat 74.2 140
White 71.1 133
Silver 69.0 127
Scores (switch to course handicaps)

Player Date Tee Handicap
McCabe, Mike 2018-06-16 White 5.9 78
Rafferty, Mike 2018-06-16 White 10.1 83
Slovensky, Mark 2018-06-16 White 11.8 85
McCabe, Mike 2018-06-15 White 3.3 75
Pohl, Dan 2018-06-15 White 4.2 76
Slovensky, Mark 2018-06-15 White 9.3 82
Rafferty, Mike 2018-06-15 White 9.3 82
Seibal, Scott 2014-06-19 Middle 6.0 77
Buechler, John 2014-06-19 Middle 9.5 81
Campbell, Albert 2001-08-27 Back 15.0 91

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