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Course Listing

Palm Valley (update)

Las Vegas, NV
(702) 254-7010

Teebox Rating Slope
Blue 72.3 127
White 69.8 124
Scores (switch to course handicaps)

Player Date Tee Handicap
Hendrix, Brad 2017-05-07 White 11.1 82
Hendrix, Stewart 2017-05-07 White 26.6 99
Knapper, Steven 2014-03-21 Back 0.0 86
Nurkka, Hal 2009-02-21 White 21.1 93
Slovensky, Mark 2005-05-03 White 8.4 79
Slovensky, Doug 2005-05-03 White 18.4 90

AIM IT Services, LLC