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Course Listing

Desert Springs (update)

Surprise, AZ

Teebox Rating Slope
Back 73.0 131
Middle 69.6 121
Front 66.8 115
Scores (switch to course handicaps)

Player Date Tee Handicap
Nurkka, Hal 2007-07-28 Middle 17.2 88
Nurkka, Hal 2007-07-24 Middle 18.1 89
Nurkka, Hal 2007-07-10 Middle 9.7 80
Semenza, Dustin 2005-05-01 Middle 11.6 82
Slovensky, Mark 1997-12-28 Back 6.9 77
Seibal, Scott 1997-12-28 Back 12.5 83
Seibal, Terry 1997-12-28 Back 23.7 95
McBroom, Steve 1997-12-12 Middle 24.6 96

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