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Course Listing

Desert Mountain - Geronimo (update)

Scottsdale, AZ

Teebox Rating Slope
Gold 73.2 145
Blue 72.0 142
White 68.6 132
Scores (switch to course handicaps)

Player Date Tee Handicap
Carr, Steve 2023-04-26 White 20.0 92
Seibal, Scott 2022-02-24 White 8.9 79
Carr, Steve 2018-01-22 Blue 10.3 85
Carr, Steve 2018-01-11 Blue 12.7 88
Carr, Steve 2014-12-11 Blue 15.5 90
Carr, Steve 2013-12-12 Blue 10.7 84
Seibal, Scott 2008-03-24 White 14.9 86

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