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Course Listing

Estrella Mountain (muni) (update)

15205 W. Vineyard Ave.
Goodyear, AZ 85338
Teebox Rating Slope
Green 70.9 118
White 67.7 112
Scores (switch to course handicaps)

Player Date Tee Handicap
Mendoza, Alex 2014-03-02 Green 8.7 80
Castellanos, Alfredo 2011-03-04 White 16.4 84
Seibal, Terry 2010-12-26 White 26.5 94
Mendoza, Alex 2010-12-05 Green 15.4 87
Mendoza, Alex 2010-04-24 White 5.3 73
Mendoza, Alex 2010-04-24 White 9.4 77
Mendoza, Alex 2009-11-15 White 11.4 79
Mendoza, Alex 2008-12-31 Green 10.6 82
Castellanos, Alfredo 2008-12-30 Green 5.8 77
Yeager, Richard 2007-10-16 Green 3.9 75
Slovensky, Mark 2004-03-13 White 10.4 78
Perdue, Johnny 2004-03-13 White 13.4 81
Jackson, Glen 2004-03-13 White 16.5 84
Crawford, John 2004-03-13 White 21.5 89
Seibal, Terry 2004-03-13 White 22.5 90
Jensen, Michael 2002-11-03 Middle 8.1 78
Dunphy, Joe 2002-04-19 Middle 15.8 86
Crawford, John 2002-04-19 Middle 17.7 88
Seibal, Scott 2000-04-09 Back 3.3 73
Seibal, Terry 2000-04-09 Back 14.8 85

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