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Course Listing

Tierra Verde (update)

Arlington, TX 76001
817 572-1300

Teebox Rating Slope
Gold 70.9 123
Scores (switch to course handicaps)

Player Date Tee Handicap
Bench, Randy 2020-08-14 Gold 15.7 88
Bench, Randy 2020-08-12 Gold 12.9 85
Bench, Randy 2020-08-04 Gold 11.1 83
Bench, Randy 2020-08-02 Gold 11.1 83
Bench, Randy 2016-07-11 Gold 16.6 89
Batlle, Carlos 2015-06-21 Gold 21.2 94
Crawford, John 2009-12-06 Gold 11.1 83

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