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Course Listing

Pine Dunes (update)

159 Private Rd 7019
Frankston, TX 75763
(903) 876-4336
Teebox Rating Slope
Blue 71.3 126
Scores (switch to course handicaps)

Player Date Tee Handicap
Carr, Steve 2020-09-12 Blue 14.1 87
Carr, Steve 2019-09-21 Blue 7.8 80
Carr, Steve 2016-07-16 Blue 14.1 87
Carr, Steve 2015-07-11 Blue 6.9 79
Carr, Steve 2014-09-13 Blue 6.9 79
Carr, Steve 2014-09-12 Blue 10.5 83
Carr, Steve 2014-09-11 Blue 7.8 80
Carr, Steve 2011-11-05 Blue 9.6 82
Carr, Steve 2011-11-04 Blue 5.1 77
Carr, Steve 2011-11-04 Blue 15.0 88
Carr, Steve 2010-09-18 Blue 8.7 81
Carr, Steve 2010-09-17 Blue 13.2 86

AIM IT Services, LLC