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Course Listing

Hawk's Tail (update)

145 S Morristown ike
Greenfield, IN 46140

Teebox Rating Slope
Blue 73.0 122
White 70.8 121
Scores (switch to course handicaps)

Player Date Tee Handicap
Ewing, Curt 2019-05-29 White 13.3 85
Ewing, Curt 2019-05-27 White 13.3 85
Ewing, Curt 2018-05-26 White 13.3 85
Ewing, Curt 2014-05-26 Blue 18.5 93
Ewing, Curt 2014-05-24 Blue 11.1 85
Ewing, Curt 2014-05-23 Blue 16.7 91
Ewing, Curt 2011-05-30 White 13.3 85
Ewing, Curt 2011-05-28 Blue 17.6 92

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