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Course Listing

River Bend GC at Floresville (update)

101 Club Drive
Floresville, TX 78114
Teebox Rating Slope
Black 72.8 129
White 70.9 122
Silver 69.4 119
Copper 67.2 111
Scores (switch to course handicaps)

Player Date Tee Handicap
Byars, Ray 2024-06-08 White 24.2 97
Kush, John 2021-12-31 White 7.5 79
Byars, Ray 2021-12-31 White 12.1 84
Dugas, Brad 2021-08-02 Black 8.9 83
Dugas, Brad 2021-06-18 White 12.1 84
Gawlik, Terry 2021-06-18 White 23.2 96
Dugas, Brad 2021-04-29 White 10.3 82
Killian, Bill 2021-04-29 White 18.6 91
Dugas, Brad 2018-05-03 White 12.1 84
Gawlik, Terry 2018-05-03 White 19.5 92
Byars, Ray 2016-08-05 White 9.3 81
Dugas, Brad 2016-08-05 White 9.3 81
Gawlik, Terry 2016-08-05 White 25.1 98
Dugas, Brad 2016-03-29 Black 9.8 84
Gawlik, Terry 2016-03-29 Black 22.1 98
Dugas, Brad 2015-11-29 White 12.1 84
Gawlik, Terry 2015-11-29 White 21.4 94
Dugas, Brad 2014-12-23 Black 9.8 84
Byars, Ray 2014-12-23 Black 12.4 87
Gawlik, Terry 2014-12-23 Black 22.1 98
Dugas, Brad 2014-11-26 White 14.9 87
Byars, Ray 2014-11-26 White 16.8 89
Gawlik, Terry 2014-11-26 White 21.4 94

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